A quick read exposes how and why Donald Trump won in 2016 and wins again in 2020, with the good, the bad, and the ugly realities in American politics today.
Reveals President Donald j. Trump’s secret partner in rebuilding Trump’s America another way today.
The book, “President Donald John Trump: Traitor or Savior of America?” by Marvin Lee Adkins, quickly, with well-documented facts reveals the fuller deeper story about Donald Trump.
Exposing the ugly, the bad, and the good, it reveals the fuller story of America’s plight and fights with Socialism, Universalism (Globalism), the Washington Deep State, and President Donald Trump’s secret partner, who always wins, in the end.
There are no Trump tweets, Trump quotes, narcissistic hype, anonymous sources, or Deep State “whistleblowers” here.
Just the fuller story with sources, proven facts about America and President Donald John Trump, today.
Most importantly, it shares much of what President Trump’s secret partner says about America, its politicians, news media, and America’s future.
Once again, author Marvin Lee Adkins cuts through the fluff and gets to the stuff about the future of America. He spills the beans on Socialist Democrats, corrupt politicians, Washington Deep State bureaucrats, Donald Trump Presidency, Liberal and Conservative bias, and dirty Washington politics.
★ ★ The NEW CIVIL WAR for the Soul and Control of America! ★ ★
★ A well designed quick read for busy people. A well-documented study of the 2016 Presidential Election and the Trump Presidency leading up to the Presidential Election of 2020, which:
★ Exposes and reveals the facts about the good, the bad, and the ugly realities facing America, the American people, and America’s future, beyond the 2016 Presidential Election of 2020.
★ Answers questions about America’s Future
★ It wisely answers these questions, too:
★ Talks about American Politics
★ Tells about the Deep State exposed
★ Tells what God is saying about America
★ This book is well designed as a quick read for busy people with time only to read the NOTES, highlights, and prophecies about America today and more for those who want the fuller story about America and her future today.
So, read, learn, enjoy, THINK, pray, and become part of God’s solution to America’s problems and not part of the problem.
I wrote this book in response to God speaking to my heart about the plight in which America finds herself today. God gave me the initial assignment and basic beginning outline for this book while on a ministry trip to Washington State on the weekend of August 18, 2017.
I wrote it following the death of my Uncle Buford while sharing the physical, emotional, and spiritual hospice care of my dying mother, Celon Cloteel Sexton Adkins Aday, in Florida, hundreds of miles away from my home in Mississippi.
My initial notes are references as “Page 1,” “Page 2,” etc.
My warning to all my readers and listeners is threefold:
“America, Democracy Teetering on Socialism” is an ongoing, evolving saga about what is happening in America today, involving many people, groups, and ideologies.
NOTE Kindle eBooks are supposed to be updated with the latest changes and updates. Print copies require the purchase of a new updated version.
You can stay abreast of my latest books, latest news, online articles, blogs, vlogs, YouTube Chanel posts, Pinterest presence, etc. via www.MarvinAdkins.com, or at Amazon.com
Author Marvin Lee Adkins
Published on October 1, 2018, and Last updated on August 1, 2020.