Life in Heaven After My Death by Andrew
How to Live and Die Better. Enjoy life better as you better understand life and the life through death process. Overcome your fear of death and dying, anxiety, depression, and replace the pains of grief, bereavement, and mourning with God’s peace, hope, joy, love, and faith. START LIVING TODAY, Don't Die in a "Rut"

“Life in Heaven After My Death by Andrew,” tells the real-life story of young Andrew and his Daddy’s journey to Heaven after Andrew’s death and how their lives changed totally.
This book:
- Helps readers understand the life through death process.
- Helps replace our fears of death and dying, anxiety, depression, the stages of grief, bereavement, and mourning.
- Helps dying people prepare for death.
- Helps grieving people understand death and move return to LIFE after suffering loss.
- Gives frank, honest answers to hard questions about life, death, the afterlife, and returning to LIFE again after suffering loss or tragedy.
Topics include:
- Christian beliefs about the afterlife.
- Coping with loss death.
- Coping with old age.
- Deal with grief.
- Dealing with grieving.
- Death and dying book.
- Facts about life and death.
- Gifts for loss of son.
- Grief and grieving.
- Grief Books.
- Grief father.
- Grief handbook.
- Grief mother.
- Grief recovery handbook.
- Grief works.
- Grieving books.
- Grieving dads.
- Grieving for a dead child.
- Grieving gifts.
- Grieving with hope.
- Is there life after death?
- Life in shambles.
- Loss of your father gift.
- Prayer for strength during death.
- Process of grieving.
- Stories about life after death.
It answers:
- What is after death?
- What is grief?
- Words of comfort for loss of son.