Book Author Marvin Adkins

Why do I Write About Life, Death and the Supernatural Realm?

Most of my writing is about spiritual matters, and supernatural beings, including life, death, dying, the afterlife in eternity, God, Satan, angels, demons, spiritual warfare, Christian spiritual authority, etc.

In my writings, I seek not to shock you, for the sake of shock alone. I aim to get you to THINK outside your normal “comfort zone” as you are informed, enlightened and stretched in your understanding and practice of my topics in general and in particular. This is how you grow in knowledge, understanding and in your relationship with God.

For it is in our stretching that we prepare for growth. My writings are for your increase in understanding and having a relationship with yourself, God: Father, Jesus Christ, and Holy Spirit, with others and with God’s angels. By our moving from the light of the known continually expanding into the darkness of our unknown with the light of our God-given understanding gained along with our path of life, we grow by increasing our light, knowledge, understanding, and abilities.

Spiritual Warfare for the Souls of Men

For eons of time, there has been and still is a much-misunderstood battle raging by between angelic forces of darkness and God’s angelic forces of light for the eternal souls of men.  The ultimate main prize of this battle is a matter of where each of us spends eternity. Either in Heaven with God, His saints, and angels or in Hell with Satan, the tormented people he conned into not living their lives God’s way and his damned demons. I trust all my writings will influence you to seek God’s Heaven of happiness and faithful angels, rather than Satan’s tormenting Hell and demons. For each of us daily chooses whom we serve, God or Satan and our future destination. (Joshua 24:15)

The Greatest Adventure Ever

Your understanding of these topics will be: challenged, expanded and strengthened. Opportunity is offered to you to embark on an adventurous lifelong journey with God and His angels. Enlivened and empowered of God, the Holy Spirit, which can transform both a reader’s daily life and eternal life from within their very being.

Along with our life journey with God alive within us, we encounter many different topics of discussion shedding light into areas of understanding of the facts and reality of the natural and supernatural realms, few ever know. Yes, my writings will stretch you, inform you, enlighten you, warn you and empower you regarding both the natural and supernatural dimensions. Finally, we will end with other sources of further information for the inquisitive and those that want an even greater understanding of and relationship with God in the realm in all areas of your life.

God stretches us that we might grow more

We trust my writings will indeed stretch you beyond what you already know, for this stretching prepares one’s self for more continued growth. ,

Recently I found myself ministering to a young minister on the back porch of our country home. In the midst of our conversation I heard myself speaking forth these words, “To grow, we must stretch. And to the degree or extent that we are stretchable is the degree or extent that we can grow.” This explains why babies who are ever growing are also always stretching.

I went on to explain how when my original publisher had dumped all my books (prepaid for three books), including my first book, “Life in Heaven After My Death by Andrew” back into my lap, I found myself a bit angry and in need of another publisher. They assured me that I could become my book and media publisher. But I did NOT like that idea at all because I had only wanted to go into my quiet space (usually my office) and write what God gives me.

In fact, the thought of my having to write, publish and mark all my books scared and overwhelmed me. After all, I reasoned that I just want to write the books and let you (the then publisher) publish my books and do all the other things that make me a top ranked author of books in each of my four current genres (series) of books written to date, including (with titles finished or in process):

Last Updated July 25, 2018.


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