Seeking Adventure

Today, countless people are seeking adventurous lifestyles in a host of different ways.
Some choose to take on death-defying ventures, such as skydiving or bungee jumping. While others find a more low-key approach to adventure, such as traveling to seek out new places. Whatever the venture a person chooses, there is one common ground. One common trait to each chosen adventure is that each person wants to say, “I did that.” Fundamentally, the inner desire for more adventure is ingrained in most of us. “Just for the fun of it” or “bucket list” are familiar logos today.
My wife and I have been blessed to travel to 48 of our nation’s great states, with our proudest venture being Alaska. Our modes of travel have also been noteworthy. We have experienced trips by helicopter, car, and sometimes, even on foot. We have found, in our walk with the Lord, that these adventures are indeed gifts and blessings from the Almighty. We are instinctively left wanting more in the earthly realm. I am elated to share with you how our all-time, greatest life adventure began when we met and received God.
When We Meet God
Since the beginning of time, the most excellent adventures of humanity have begun with a personal encounter with God Almighty. Many examples in the lives of individuals in the Old Testament, God’s “Heroes of Faith.” As described in Hebrews 11:38 as:
“The world was not good enough for [worthy of] them! 39 All these people are known for [were commended for; or won approval through] their faith, but none of them received what God had promised. God planned to give us [had provided] something better so that they would be made perfect, but only together with us [not without us].”
So, keep in mind, we will always be left wanting more adventure in this earthly realm. No matter the adventure we choose, only God can indeed give us the level of experience that will truly fulfill our desires. I must give a fair warning. Once the step is taken to meet and receive the Almighty God, one must prepare themselves. It is only then that true adventure will begin.
The Greatest Adventures are with God
Once we meet and receive the Jesus Christ into our lives, a brand-new partnership is born. Man’s cooperation with God began in the Garden of Eden, then continued after Jesus ascended to Heaven. Jesus left His followers empowered by the Holy Spirit (Acts 17:6). Unfortunately, many today have been deceived into believing Christians are only “sinners saved by grace,” which gives them licenses to sin as “sinners.” They forget God calls us His children, heirs, and saints. They fail to understand that Christians have the power and living presence of God the Holy Spirit within them. Once they realize who they are in Christ Jesus and the fact that God, the Holy Spirit lives within them and wants to live through them, the adventure begins. Then, how can they have anything less than great, awesome daily adventures? Seldom do we know precisely the details of our day in advance, which would be for us most boring. But we live by faith and know our God is leading, aiding, guiding and directing us in all that we say and do as He lives within our very being.
Then we merely allow God to live and sow His love, grace, mercy, compassion, words of comfort, healing, the working of miracles, life-changing words, etc. into the lives of people in need through us. This sowing, in turn, bears forth Godly fruit that glorifies God. As we see God come more alive in and through our lives, we cannot help but share God with others more and more.
While others find themselves becoming bored with the adventures of men, Christian believers, who allow God to fully come alive within them cannot but embrace the experiences they know that God has in store for them.
Only a few dare to step out of old religious molds into the assigned adventure the Lord has in His omniscient plan for us. He makes for us ample opportunity for having fun. This opportunity is readily available to all of humanity because God is no respecter of persons (cite verse). The Spirit of God leads us to these opportunities, but we must accept our daily assignments too. The choice to partner with Jesus Christ is the single, most exciting adventure made readily-available to all of mankind. As we yield ourselves to God’s will for our lives, we allow HIM to live in and empower us. The road may be bumpy, and our personal experience may be lacking, but the absence of adventure is never a possibility.
How Do We Partner with God?
While we will never know what the future holds, we can well know God who holds our future and who wants to fully live within us as His Holy Spirit filled Christians. The best examples in the New Testament of the Word of God on all of our questions. There are countless examples, of men and women alike, who provide life-instruction for embracing and yielding in obedience to God. Every Christian can give an account of past sin. Trust me; no one is exempt from this.
Therefore, under the precious blood of our Savior, Jesus Christ, our sins are forgiven. To completely partner with the Lord, we each must remove religious agendas from our hearts and minds. Then, it is only for us, as individuals, to submit to our Savior, Jesus Christ, to be led by the Holy Spirit. It is at that very moment that we are promised that our lives will be changed forever. Are you ready to embark with countless Christians, worldwide, on the greatest adventure available to man? Are you ready and willing to allow God to dwell in you in HIS glorious love, and to minister to the dire need of countless lost souls today? If you say yes to any of these questions, then your heart is yearning to accept Christ as your personal Lord and Savior. My friend, once we are redeemed by the almighty Savior, let the adventure begin!